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A Capossela Christmas – Windows Weekly 703

Posted December 17, 2020 | Podcasts | Windows | Windows Weekly

Microsoft CMO Chris Capossela joins Leo, Mary Jo, and Paul to discuss his hidden gems of 2020, plus we discuss WOA x64 emulation, Office on M1, and much more.

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Tips and picks

Tip of the week: Microsoft Authenticator

You can now use Microsoft Authenticator as you password auto-fill manager on Android and iOS. Should you? (No. Not yet.)

App pick of the week: A web browser grab-bag

Enterprise pick of the week: WARGAMES, not reindeer games!

Microsoft’s Studio Alpha is about Azure, gaming, and … wargames?

Enterprise pick No. 2: Microsoft certifications getting free renewals

Starting in early Feb., via Microsoft Learn, both role-based and specialty certs will be renewable for free

Cocktail pick of the holidays: If Nana Only Knew (by Stephanie Thurrott)

2 oz grapefruit juice
2 oz whiskey
1 oz maple syrup (50/50 maple syrup dissolved in water)
1 oz lemon juice
3-4 drops Angostura bitters
Egg white

Shake all ingredients together without ice, to get the egg while nice and foamy. Then add ice to the shaker and shake again. Serve over ice in a whiskey tumbler. Garnish with a maraschino cherry.



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