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Chrome for Windows Can Now Recover from Software Infections

Posted October 16, 2017 | Chrome | Cloud | Google | Windows

Like other web browsers, Google Chrome for Windows can help block unwanted and malicious software from being downloaded. But now the browser can also react more intelligently when such software gets through its defenses.

“Unwanted software impacts the browsing experience of millions of web users every day,” Chrome product manager Philippe Rivard explains. “In some cases, the changes are so severe that they can make the web unusable: People are redirected to unwanted sites full of ads, and it can be next to impossible to navigate away from these pages.”

To help counteract this behavior, the latest version of Chrome for Windows includes three new features:

Hijacked settings detection. Chrome now notices when an extension makes changes to your browser settings without your consent. And it will prompt you to restore the settings. Likewise, you can restore all profile settings at any time by navigating to chrome://settings/resetProfileSettings.

Chrome Cleanup improvements. Chrome Cleanup alerts you when it detects unwanted or malicious software, and it provides a way to remove the software and return the browser to its default settings. With the latest Chrome version, Chrome Cleanup has been significantly improved with a full redesign that makes it easier to see which software will be removed.

Chrome Cleanup engine improvements. Under the covers, Chrome Cleanup is also benefiting from a major overhaul to its ESET-based detection engine and sandboxing technologies. So Chrome Cleanup can now detect and remove more unwanted software than ever before, though Google is quick to point out that this is not a general-purpose antivirus solution.

This new version of Chrome is now rolling out.


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