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#PhoneArenaPhotoChallenge: Vote for the best photo taken on a phone

Posted July 2, 2019 | Mobile | News

Just a few days ago, we urged you to take part in our Instagram photo challenge and submit the best photo you’ve taken on your phone. Lots of our Instagram subscribers took part in the challenge, and we had a really tough time picking out the very best among the pics you submitted both via DMs on our Instagram page and by adding the #PhoneArenaPhotoChallenge hashtag to your shots.You tag ’em, we see ’em!

First of all, let us thank you all for the wonderful submissions! Even if your photo isn’t amont the chosen ones right below, don’t despair – we might kick off a similar competition very, very soon! Keep an eye on our Instagram page for more details about any such future happenings.

Trying to keep things as objective as possible, we will now let you choose the symbolic winner! We picked 20 of the very best pics that you submitted and will now let you vote for your absolute favorite among the lot! Whichever picture wins the competition will earn its creator a rather symbolic prize – a shoutout on our Instagram page!

Check out all of the images below and then cast your vote for your favorite image in the poll right beneath the gallery. 

Pro-tip: Make sure to check out all of the photos below before you cast your vote!

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