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The Windows Caboose – Windows Weekly 604

Posted January 17, 2019 | Podcasts | Windows | Windows Weekly

Leo, Mary Jo, and Paul discuss Windows 7’s end of support in one year, rumors about PCs with folding screens, and much, much more.

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Tips and picks

Tip of the week: Configure Twitter so your timeline makes sense

You can now view tweets in chronological order like god intended.

App pick of the week: DuckDuckGo

I’ve been using DuckDuckGo instead of Google Search (on desktop) for over a month now. If you care about privacy, this is a great option.

Enterprise pick of the week: Where’s Windows Server 2019?

Microsoft mysteriously never made available ISOs for Win Server 2019 on its evaluation center (and Hyper-V Server 2019). What’s going on?

Codename pick of the week: Sydney

Sydney is the codename of HoloLens 2 (or 3, depending how you’re counting). Remember, there was a HL2, but it was cancelled.

Beer pick of the week: Grimm Double Negative

Imperial stout from one my favorite Brooklyn breweries that is so chocolately, bitter and darkly delicious that it’s worth the 10% ABV hit.



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